INTEGRATION# 1|for class 12|Shortcuts|Tricks|IIT JEE| SAJAG JAIN (Solve questions in just 3 SECONDS)

DIFFERENTIATION # 1 |for class 12|Shortcuts|Tricks|IIT JEE| SAJAG JAIN (Questions in just 3 SECONDS)

Integration by Parts | Definite Integral | Modulus Function | SAJAG JAIN SIR

What is Radian? | Radian (Unit of Plane Angle) |Simply Explained| SAJAG JAIN SIR (In just 3 minutes)

INTEGRATION# 2|for class 12|Shortcuts|Tricks|IIT JEE| SAJAG JAIN (Solve questions in just 3 SECONDS)

Shortest Distance | Skew Lines | Straight Line | Direction Ratios | Direction Cosines | 3D |Class 12

Maxima and Minima | Applications of Derivatives | CBSE | Class 12 | SAJAG JAIN | IIT JEE

Class 12 Board 2023 | CBSE | Continuity | NDA | JEE | SAJAG JAIN | NCERT |

Increasing and Decreasing Function | Applications of Derivatives | CBSE | Class 12 | SAJAG JAIN |JEE

Limit of sums | Integration or limit | Definite Integral | SAJAG JAIN | JAIN SIR

Maxima and Minima | Applications of Derivatives | CBSE | Class 12 | SAJAG JAIN | IIT JEE

(a+b)²=a²+2ab+b² But Why ? | Proof | Sajag Jain Sir |

Integration by Trigonometric Substitution | Integration by Perfect Square | SAJAG JAIN | CBSE 12

Tangent and Normal | Applications of Derivatives | CBSE | Class 12 | SAJAG JAIN SIR | IIT JEE

DIFFERENTIATION # 2 |for class 12| Shortcuts|Tricks| IIT |JEE MAINS| SAJAG JAIN (Solve in 3 SECONDS)

Permutations & Combinations #1 | NOTES | JEE MAINS | explanation by SAJAG JAIN | (JULY 2020)

Indefinite Integral by Substitution | Integration of Trigonometric Function | CBSE | SAJAG JAIN SIR

Integration by Parts | Indefinite Integral | Integration by Perfect Square | SAJAG JAIN SIR

Integration by Parts | Indefinite Integral | Integration by Perfect Square | SAJAG JAIN SIR

Mathematical Reasoning #2|Hand written Notes| with explanation by Sajag Jain Sir| JEE Mains

Permutations & Combinations #5 | NOTES | JEE MAINS | explanation by SAJAG JAIN | (JULY 2020)

Mathematical Reasoning #1|Hand written Notes| with explanation by Sajag Jain Sir| JEE Mains

Introduction of Determinant | Cofactors | Minors | Sarrus Method | Singular Matrix | SAJAG JAIN SIR

Indefinite Integral by Substitution | Class 12 | NCERT | CBSE | SAJAG JAIN SIR